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  • Grants / Financing / Business plan / Valuations

    Subsidies from the Labor Office for starting a business

    Entrepreneurs starting a business can obtain up to PLN 43,100 (limit in 2024) subsidies from the Labor Office.

    Grant funds can be used for:

    • purchase of machinery, devices and equipment necessary to run the business,

    • purchase of software,

    • purchase of commercial goods or raw materials for production,

    • advertising your business (within the limit),

    • purchasing a car or renovating a premises,

    • paid legal assistance or consultations related to your business.

    At ASK Audit, we help entrepreneurs write applications in accordance with the requirements of the employment office, monitor the subsidy granting process and provide accounting and legal support in the subsidy settlement phase. Ask ASK for advice on this matter.

    Obtaining financing and flammable business

    At some point, every entrepreneur will be faced with the need to provide their business with external financing, whether in the form of a bank loan, leasing or cooperation with investment funds investing their funds in start-ups.

    Carrying out the process of obtaining financing at an acceptable cost for the company is a difficult process that requires extensive knowledge of finance and law as well as negotiation skills. On the other hand, an accounting office that knows the requirements of financing institutions is able to properly prepare the entrepreneur in advance so that the process of obtaining financing is successful.

    At ASK Audit for our clients:

    • we will choose the best financing option for a given investment,

    • we will prepare an appropriate application for a loan or leasing,

    • knowing the client’s finances, we are able to prepare a clear and reliable business plan for the project,

    • we will guide the entrepreneur through the process of negotiating financing conditions, which will end with the signing of an appropriate contract.

    Ask ASK for advice on this matter.

    Business valuations

    To value an enterprise, a comprehensive process of estimating the market value of the business entity must be carried out, based on the analysis of financial, economic and strategic indicators.

    Each valuation process can be divided into several key stages:

    1. Determining the purpose of the valuation

    Depending on the purpose of the valuation, different value estimation methods are selected. The valuation of an enterprise for the purposes of potential sale or securing a credit receivable should be approached differently than in the case of company liquidation.

    1. Preparation of appropriate information and documentation needed for the valuation

    We start the valuation of a company by preparing the need for information. We prepare it individually based on the specific nature of the company being valued. In this process, we will want to gain knowledge about the business model, finances and market environment of your company.

    1. Data analysis and valuation

    As part of this stage of the valuation, a fundamental analysis is prepared based on available data, including the company’s market environment. This analysis provides a perspective on how external and internal factors influence its business. Finally, we prepare financial data and make the actual valuation. The result of our work is a report on the valuation of the company, which also includes its fundamental analysis.

    As part of the company valuation process, we can use various valuation methods, but the most popular ones are:

    1. Income methods – these methods are based on calculating the value of the enterprise as the present value of future cash flows that the enterprise can generate.

    2. Property methods – these methods generally involve calculating the value of the company’s assets less its liabilities. These include: accounting method, adjusted net assets method, liquidation method or replacement method,

    3. Comparative methods – Valuation of an enterprise using the comparative method involves finding and comparing valuations of companies with a similar business profile to the company being valued. The basis for comparisons are most often selected price ratios such as P/E (price to profit), EV/EBITDA (value of equity to operating profit with depreciation), or P/BV (price to book value).

    1. Preparation of the valuation report and its discussion

    We issue an opinion in the form of a valuation report, which includes a formal and legal part, a description of the company and a fundamental analysis. The report is submitted in paper and electronic form. We will discuss each valuation report at a special summary meeting.

    You are planning to attract an investor for your company, you need a valuation for negotiations between partners, call and ask ASK for advice.